Friday, November 20, 2009


This artikel discusses Organizational Behavior (Perilaku Organisasi) and its impact on Goal Congruence.

  • SPM has a main goal to ensure (as far as possible) the level of high goal congruence.
  • Goal congruence is an harmony between the actions of individuals to achieve personal goals to help the achievement of organizational goals.
  • In an organization, human behavior must be influenced by the formal system (which was formed by the organization) and informal (work ethic, management style and culture).

Factors that influence informal goal congruence consists of external factors and internal.

  • External factors, namely the norms of behavior expected to occur in the community (and the organization is part of the community).
  • External factors affecting goal congruence is the work ethic and appropriate industry-specific norms.
  • Working ethos is one of the organization's loyalty, and perseverance, spirit and pride that have in carrying out their duties.
  • The internal factors that affect goal congruence is the culture, management style, informal relationships within the organization and perception and communication.
  • Culture includes beliefs in the organization together, the values embraced life, behavioral norms and assumptions that implicitly and explicitly accepted applied at all levels of the organization.
  • Culture is strongly influenced by the personality and policy managers.
  • Style of management has the strongest impact on management control, because the attitude is a reflection of his subordinates superiors.
  • Informal relations are also needed, although the formal relationship has been established.
  • The means to achieve organizational goals must also be well communicated and the messages conveyed are expected to be interpreted with the same meaning.


  • Formal Factors affecting goal congruence reply consists of SPM and the rules.
  • The rules are a set of writings that includes all types of instructions and control (including instructions about positions, the division of labor, standard operating procedures, guidelines and ethical guidance guidance).
  • The rules may contain things that are simple to complex, strict guidelines to work flexible and positive action (prohibition of negative actions).
  • The types of rules can be:

  1. Physical control of all assets of the organization.
  2. Manual that is reviewed periodically.
  3. Security of information systems.
  4. Control system tasks.

  • The process begins with the formal control of strategic planning (according to organizational goals and strategies), preparation of budgets, implementation plans (actual performance, in accordance with the rules of the organization), reporting results and performance evaluation performance results.
  • Strategy is also influenced by organizational structure, so that the SPM is also so.
  • Organizations can have multiple structures, namely:
  • The structure of functional (every manager is responsible for functional areas within the organization).
  • Advantage is efficiency, weaknesses related to the effectiveness of uncertainty, the need for a gradual resolution of problems and less appropriate for the products and diverse market.
  • The structure of business units (each manager responsible for the activities of each business unit as part of a semi-independent from the organization).
  • The good news is the more visible management style and product market approach, its weakness is dulikasi number of jobs and functional areas of dispute between business units.
  • The structure of the matrix (each funsional units have dual responsibilities).


  • Controller is the person responsible for designing and operating the SPM.
  • Controller submitted to the Chief Financial Officer (Finance Manager).
  • Controller controller can be divided into corporate and business unit controller.
  • The function controllers:

  1. Designing and operating information and control systems.
  2. Preparing financial statements and financial reports (including taxes) to shareholders and external parties other.
  3. Preparing, analyzing and reporting performance meninterpretasikan; analyze the program and budget proposals, as well as in mengkonsolidasikannya annual budget.
  4. Supervises internal audit and operational audit, record control procedures that guarantee the validity of the information and determine an adequate level of security against fraud.
  5. Develop personnel in organizations involved in the control and training related to the control function

Friday, November 13, 2009


This artikel discusses about Strategic Planning (Perencanaan Strategis). Strategy consists of corporate strategy and business unit strategy.
  • Defined strategy based on goals set by upper management (profitability, maximize shareholder value, to assess risk and many stakeholder approach).
  • Companies develop strategies to match the core competencies with industry opportunities.
  • Kenneth R. Andrews proposed the basic concept of strategy development with a SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity & Threat). Advantages and weaknesses are evaluated based on internal conditions, in order to anticipate opportunities and threats existing in the environment.

  • Corporate strategy is a strategy related to the right place (should be) to compete and how to compete in a particular industry.
  • Produce corporate strategy decisions on business to be added or maintained or stressed or reduced attention or didivestasi.
  • In corporate strategy, companies are classified into three categories (based on the level of connectedness and its level of diversification), ie companies with a single industry, companies associated with the diversification and companies with unrelated diversification.
  • Companies with a single industry using its core competencies and compete only in one industry. Therefore this type of company has a high level of relevance.
  • Firms with related diversification requires synergy among business units in terms of the ability to share common resources and general competence.
  • Companies with unrelated diversification synergies associated with each operating business unit. Often referred to as a conglomerate and has a high level of diversification.
  • Core competence is the ability that is used by companies to achieve higher performance and add significant business value.

  • Business unit requires the right strategy, especially if the higher level of diversification.
  • Business unit's strategy can be developed with some models (BCG, industry analysis and competitive advantage generic).
  • Model Boston Consulting Group (BCG) offers 4 mission device that is build, hold, harvest and divest. BCG will be increasingly monitored by the learning curve.
  • Analysis carried out with due regard to industry competitors in the industry, customers, suppliers, substitutes and new entrants. The stronger the fifth element, then the profitability is likely to lower and vice versa.
  • Generic competitive advantage to offer low-cost strategy (low cost) or differentiation (differentiation) or cost-cum differentation. This model was developed by Porter, supported the value chain analysis.

  • Strategic Plan is a formal plan that includes specific ways to implement strategies to achieve corporate objectives.
  • Strategic planning is the process of deciding which programs will be implemented by the company and the approximate amount of resources will be allocated to each program during the next few years. Or a brief strategic planning is the process of deciding the strategic plan.
  • Strategic planning consists of pemrogaman (program setting process) and budgeting (budget preparation process to support the program).
  • Strategic planning is the responsibility of upper management and middle managers of a corporate and business unit.
  • The manager will be assisted by several staff wrote it ensures that a predetermined plan to be implemented.
  • Therefore, top management style will also influence the shape and implementation of strategic planning.

Useful for strategic planning:
  • Framework for budget development.
  • Management development tool in the implementation of the strategy with the right process.
  • Mechanism that forces management to think the problems longer term.
  • Tools to align managers with corporate strategy because they have to disclose to the individual manager.

Limitations of strategic planning:
  • Strategic planning is only a form filling activities.
  • Strategic planning is a bureaucratic exercise.
  • Strategic planning it be done without strategic thinking.

The process of formal strategic planning is not necessary in smaller organizations and relatively stable or organization can not make a reliable estimate of the future or the organization that is managed by a different approach.

Friday, November 6, 2009


This Artikel examine about Manajemen Rantai Pasokan.
Supply chain includes all parts including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and customers, either directly or indirectly, in fulfilling customer demand. Supply chain includes not only the manufacturers and suppliers but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and even the customers themselves.

In each organization such as manufacturing, supply chain includes all functions involved in receiving and filling customer demand. These functions include, but are not limited to, new product development, marketing, operations, distribution, finance, and customer service.

Supply chain is dynamic and involves a constant flow of information, products, and financial inter-level of different levels. In fact, the main purpose of the supply chain is meeting customer needs and in the process, turn a profit for himself.

Raises the supply chain picture of the movement of products or supplies from suppliers to manufacturers of products, distributors, retailers, customers throughout the chain.
Supply chain usually involves a variation of levels. These levels include:

  1. Customer
  2. Retailer
  3. Distributor
  4. Manufacturer
  5. Component or raw material suppliers.

Images of the levels of the supply chain:

Each level of the supply chain is connected through the flow of products, information, and finance. This flow usually occurs directly and may be regulated by one or intermediary level. Each level does not want shown in the supply chain. Design the right supply chain depending on customer needs and the roles undertaken by each level involved.

The purpose of each supply chain should be to maximize overall value. The value of the supply chain is different between what the end result is valuable for the customer and supply chain costs which occur in filling customer demand.
Design, planning, and operations kaputusan important role in the success or failure of a company.

The stages in the supply chain decision making:

  • Strategy or supply chain design.

During this phase provides marketing plans and pricing for the product, the company decided how to structure the supply chain in the next few years.

  • Planning the supply chain.

Decisions made during this stage of the time frame being considered is a quarter of the year. Composition of the supply chain of strategic phase is determined that it is confirmed. This arrangement determines the existing barriers. The success of planning to maximize supply chain surplus that can be generated by providing planning obstacles that arise during the design phase or strategic.

  • Supply chain operations

Time used here is a weekly or daily, and during this phase the company make decisions based on individual customer orders.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This artikel discuss about STRUKTUR HUTANG.
Debt structure describes a composition term debt used by companies, both short, medium, or long term, and is influenced by the size of these debts

Various kinds of debt, among others:

1. Short-Term Debt
2. Medium-Term Debt
3. Long-Term Debt

Short-Term Debt (Utang Jangka Pendek)

Source of funding short-term debt are grouped into:

  1. Passive decision variable, the amount of the funding sources will depend on other aspects of the decision in accordance with the company's activities. For example: purchase of raw materials on credit, accruals accounts.
  2. On The decision variable, companies must actively seek and obtain funding sources and in the codes should have formal agreements to creditors. For example: bank debt.

Medium-Term Debt (Utang Jangka Menengah)

In this type of debt repayment is usually paid when the asset is financed with debt are no longer needed. However, payments are also done regularly.
The benefits of this debt is that debt can be adjusted with available cash flow to pay off these debts.

Long-Term Debt (Utang Jangka Panjang)

In general, long-term debt has approximately more than 5 years, and some even believe that this debt has a 10-year period.
Long-term debt had ties with the capital structure. If the company borrows the funds and return it within a relatively long time then the loan / debt will become part of the company's capital structure.

Comparison between long-term debt that is borrowed and own capital is usually defined as the capital.
Long-term debt is also formed by the extension of loans / short term debt and medium term debt, it is seen on the basis of these debt payments.
The types of long-term debt include:

  1. Bonds
  2. Mortgages
  3. Investment Credit

Considerations In Debt Decisions

The longer the loan / debt is more secure because of the smaller firms bear the risk of bankruptcy, but the cost of greater interest.
The greater the likelihood of extending the loan period, the greater the cost of the extension to be issued and is likely to bear the risk of bankruptcy.

Funding Period Structure
Hedging Approach
Financing strategy of each asset with a term roughly equivalent to the rotation period of these assets into cash. This approach is based on the matching principle which states that the source of funds should be adjusted to how long the funds needed.

Funding comes from corporate loans / debt both in the short term, medium, and in the long term. It also depends on the size of the company's activities. Consideration is taken to make the debt is not only based on company needs, but also must be grounded also the risk of loss or bankruptcy which will be experienced after the debt.

ARTIKEL Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM)

This artikel discuss about Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM).
In doing SDM for SDM, there are three separate things that are still connected in the work that needs to be understood as follows:

  1. Strategic SDM
  2. SDM strategy, and
  3. SDM Organization.

Strategic SDM is a process of SDM practices on the relationship of business strategy. Line managers and human resource functions of strategic SDM. Strategic SDM to create a process to move from business strategy to organizational capacity in human resources practices.
Strategy SDM talked about building an agenda on human resource functions. SDM strategy to create a destination and a focus on human resource functions.
SDM organizations are menegenal process and develop an HR function to deliver SDM services. SDMorganizations is the implementation of human resources executives conducted by the SDM Professional.


Corporate managers to use the main strategies in the conduct of strategic human resources, business strategy formulation in running SDM results. Formulation of strategy presents three objectives. Namely:

  1. discuss a strategy guide for the future of the business or in other words a vision, purpose, goal, mission or future review.
  2. formulation of the problem to allocate resources. Companies have the resources, which focuses on a variety of purposes. Since few companies have sufficient resources to work on the stakeholders, where the allocation of resources should be made.
  3. formulating strategies that promise memrefleksikan explain commitments made in the formulation of the strategy discussion.

Strategy formulation process, the executive develop a future vision, allocate resources to realize the vision, and promised to stakeholders to achieve its objectives.

Repeating the formulation without the probability of implementing one of the main goals of the strategic SDM tasks. Strategic SDM is often associated with the business strategy on human resources actions by describing the ability to criticize it takes on a company to be successful.


When human resources strategy to ensure that a company has the resources necessary to complete the company's business objectives, the strategy describes the creation of human resources by the value of human resources functions.

Step 1: describe an organizational architecture

  1. Shared Mindset: the level for the human resource function has a mindset shared or common identity
  2. Competence: the level for the human resource function organized by individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and ability to carry out the work now and the future.
  3. Consequence: which level of management to achieve system used by human resources professionals to focus on results and behavior.
  4. Governance: which level of human resource functions effectively connected, communication, decision making, and policy.
  5. Work Process / Capacity for change: the level to which the function of human resources in training and adjustment, and understanding and improving processes.
  6. Leadership: the level for effective leadership that spreads into other parts of the human resource function.

Step 2: create an assessment process
A diagnosis of human resources audit or assessment suggests to identify the human resource organization.

Step 3: to provide human resource organization
Human resource functions apply to itself the model of human resource practices. When this happens, this practice became the building blocks of human resources related to the organization.

Step 4: priorities are set
Step 4 determines the priority of the organizational diagnosis of attention from human resources on a few critical issues. The function may set priorities for developing human resources practices. The practice is to build the infrastructure of the human resource function effectively and implementastion strategic human resources.
READ MORE - ARTIKEL Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM)